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General Terms and Conditions (GTCs)

Dear Customer,Thank you for choosing JOLS Tours for your upcoming adventure. We are thrilled to be a part of your journey through Costa Rica. The following General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) outline the contractual basis for the smooth execution of your planned trip.



REGISTRATION & BOOKING CONFIRMATION:The GTCs are provided to the customer along with the offer before the registration/contract conclusion.By registering for a journey, the customer submits a binding offer to JOLS Tours to conclude a travel contract and thereby accepts the GTCs along with the complete range of services and prices listed in the offer.Registrations can be made in writing, orally, by telephone, or via email. Upon receiving online registrations, JOLS Tours will promptly acknowledge receipt via email. This acknowledgment does not confirm acceptance of the offer or booking order.The contract becomes legally binding when JOLS Tours confirms the booking in writing. Any discrepancies between the booking confirmation and the travel booking will prompt JOLS Tours to provide a new offer. The contract is finalized based on this new offer if approved by the traveler within 10 days.The customer is responsible for all contractual obligations of their fellow travelers, if any, for whom they make the booking, as well as for their own obligations, if explicitly agreed upon.


PAYMENT AND TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice from JOLS Tours, no later than 45 days prior to departure.Short-term bookings made less than 45 days in advance require immediate payment.Advance payments may be due earlier for specific service providers, as communicated and invoiced separately.Failure to make timely payments may result in withdrawal from the contract by JOLS Tours after issuing a reminder and setting a deadline.


SERVICES & SPECIFICATIONS: Contractual services are determined by the service descriptions provided and referenced in the booking confirmation.JOLS Tours is bound by all information contained in the travel description. However, reserves the right to make changes to the service description before the contract is finalized, with prior notice to the traveler.PERFORMANCE &


PRICE CHANGES: Changes to individual travel services after the contract is concluded will be permitted only if not substantial and do not significantly affect the overall layout of the trip.Price increases of up to 5% may occur if at least 4 months have passed between the contract conclusion and the trip start date, and are based on actual increases in transport costs, service charges, or exchange rates.Price increases or significant changes in essential travel services after the 20th day before departure allow the traveler to withdraw from the contract without additional fees.


WITHDRAWAL BY THE PASSENGER, REBOOKINGS, SUBSTITUTES: Travelers may withdraw from the contract at any time prior to departure, with written notice to JOLS Tours.Withdrawal or non-participation may incur compensation charges based on a percentage of the tour price, with rates varying according to the proximity of the cancellation to the trip start date.Travelers may request a third party to take over their rights and obligations under the contract before the trip commences, subject to additional costs.


UNUSED SERVICES: Unused travel services due to early return or other compelling reasons will be reimbursed by JOLS Tours to the extent possible, except for services deemed insignificant or contrary to legal provisions.


WITHDRAWAL & CANCELLATION BY JOLS TOURS: JOLS Tours reserves the right to withdraw from the contract before or after the trip begins under specific circumstances, including traveler behavior contrary to the contract or significant disturbances to trip execution.


TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT FOR EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES: In case of force majeure affecting the trip, both JOLS Tours and the traveler may terminate the contract. Compensation for services already provided or to complete the trip may be sought.


LIABILITY OF THE DESTINATION AGENCY: JOLS Tours is liable for the careful preparation of the trip, proper selection and supervision of service providers, accuracy of the travel description, and provision of contracted services.

WARRANTY:Travelers may request remedy for non-contractual provisions of the trip, demand price reduction, or terminate the contract if the trip is significantly impaired due to defects.


EXCLUSION OF CLAIMS AND STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: Claims against JOLS Tours for non-contractual provision of the trip must be made within one month after the trip ends.


PASSPORT, VISA AND HEALTH REGULATIONS: Travelers are responsible for compliance with passport, visa, vaccination, currency, and customs regulations, including any associated costs or penalties.


INEFFECTIVENESS OF INDIVIDUAL PROVISIONS: The invalidity of individual provisions of the travel contract shall not affect the validity of the entire contract.


APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION: Costa Rican law governs contractual and legal relationships between the traveler and JOLS Tours. Disputes fall under the jurisdiction of San José, Costa Rica.

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